We went to Galveston for Thanksgiving this year. I always treasure these times and they overwhelm me with memories of growing up. This trip was even more special because Carson was able to play downstairs, fish, play with nets and all of the other stinky boy things that make Tiki such a fun place to be! The thing that occupied C the most was a bucket of water with one bait fish and a dipping net. Needless to say, the fish wouldn't have agreed.
Carson and Papoo feeding the mallards. Did you know that ducks and seagulls like dog food?
Carson and Yaya getting some snuggle time.
Sweet Taylor holing the binoculars up for Carson.
Yaya making her famous banana pudding, which doesn't include bananas! She always uses this big bowl, triples the recipe and arranges the vanilla wafers in just the right pattern.
We call this the "chirp-chirp!" It only happens when Papoo is carving the turkey. We walk over, say "chirp-chirp" and he feeds us the perfect bite of freshly smoked turkey. It's a sweet, sweet Thanksgiving tradition.
Family pics on the balcony.
Carson "playing" Super Nintendo Super Mario Brothers with Daddy for the first time.
Cool dudes in cool shades.
Family pic on the couch that always makes pictures turn out horribly.
Fishing with Daddy!