Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our weekend

It went something like this...
Ross: "What do you want to do today, babe?"
Me: "Ummmm....I don't know...." and I pass out on the couch

A few hours later when I wake up from my impromptu slumber-
Ross: "What do you want to do today, babe?"
Me: "Ummmm....I don't know...." and I pass out again

A few hours later when I'm playing with the cats on the bed-
Ross: "What do you want to do today, babe?"
Me: "Ummmm....I don't know...." and I pass out

Man, this growing a baby thing is exhausting!! My weekend was one giant nap. Poor Ross; he is such an active guy and I can hardly get out of the house!

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