Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Feet

Flip flop feet = Happy feet

Today was officially the first day that I wore flip flops to school this spring!
I can't even express the joy!!!
I will be wearing them every day from here on out----Oh happy day!!

***note to the reader: I know that I have crazily long toes....I know that they look like monkey feet....Yes, I am scrunching them down in this picture....But, I can open door handles with them, so BOOYA.


  1. I am a flip flop girl as well!! Hey, where did dya'll buy a house at? Keller?

  2. I LIVE in flip flops and have crazy long toes as well. I pick things up with them. I wear a silver toe ring on one foot and my friend always teases me that I shouldn't reward my freaky toe by adorning it with jewels. ;)
