Thursday, February 18, 2010

**You have NO idea**

Ok people...I realize that "I have NO idea" what I'm in store for. I realize that lots of you have done this before. I realize that it will be harder (and better) than I have ever, ever imagined. But, could you please refrain from telling me, "you have no idea" or sarcastically, "just wait?" It just doesn't come across nicely. And when I tell you that I know how to do certain things (ie: change diapers, give baths, and feed a baby) please don't laugh at me. And when I tell you that I nannied for 2 under 18 months (Yes..2 under 16 months) please don't dismiss the practice as inapplicable. Practice is practice is practice. I am feeling unprepared enough as it is and don't need this right now. I need encouragement and pats on the back, not laughs and "you have no idea." Thanks.

and ps: "You have no idea" is probably my least favorite phrase in the English language.


  1. Hi Kacie!

    I am so glad you found my blog! I love having new blogs to follow! Congrats on you guys having a baby!! Your life will forever change but for the better!! I'm assuming you are still in Keller right?!? How's school going this year? We should meet up sometime!

  2. Kacie -

    I know I haven't seen/talked to you in forever...but I'm definitely keeping up with your life through your blog. I felt like I needed to tell you that I'm praying for you, Ross, and the baby! I know that you are a wonderful wife and all that love and care is going to pour all over your baby. Based on your blogs you have a lot of decisions to make now, but you'll be able to do it! You're going to be a wonderful mom!! Ok, that's all for now. :)

  3. Your right when people say that it just sounds crappy. We adopted and had no warning our girls were coming and let me just tell you; I DID NOT have to breast feed to bond with them or carry them 9 months to get the "motherly instinct" Its God given and girl you will do great! All that baby wants is someone to change, feed, hold and love on them. :)
