Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lemon Rosemary "Pot"-pourri

My new favorite Williams Sonoma inspired way to freshen up the smell of the house...

Just boil fresh rosemary and a sliced up lemon! Keep it uncovered and add water as needed. The steam that comes off smells clean and refreshing! Plus, it's all natural and essentially free if you have a rosemary plant....or in my case, your friendly neighbor does :)

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fruit of The Spirit: Free Printable

You know all of that subway art floating around? Well, I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I made this printable one instead! I made it in several different colors in case anyone wanted to use it in their home. Feel free to save and print it!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Current sweetness

My favorite part of the day is this....

Carson periodically decides that he needs some sugars. He stops playing, comes to me, lays his head on my chest and hums...which is his way of telling me to hum his lullaby. So I do and if I stop, he starts back up as if he is reminding me to keep it up. It last for all of about 10 glorious seconds, but ooooooh sweet baby. These are the moments that make me melt. And these are the moments that fill my love tank for the other moments when he is a total stinker.

These are also the moments when I can sit and soak in just how blessed we really are because nothing is more important than soaking in this sweet, sweet love.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cheap spring wreath

I finally took down my autumn colored wreath and made this semi-tacky-Mexican-fiesta-looking one for spring. I think it is cheerful and it makes me happy, so it's staying up for a while. Plus, the wreath was $2.50, the letter cost $1.33 and the fabric and bling came from my stash! What a deal!

I also wrapped our wreath hanger with jute to give it an updated look. That may be my favorite part!

The other super helpful tip I have is to stick thumb tacks in the back of what you need to this...

That way you don't have to hold it and get tons of paint on your hands! What a simple (and free) solution!
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Thursday, March 22, 2012


Here's the rundown. I'm being all domestic putting 20 lbs of chicken into individual sized ziploc baggies to freeze because I hit a great sale.(aka: I'm feeling pretty good about myself.)

Carson is playing in the playroom, just adjacent to the kitchen.

I get a wave of mommy intuition imposed you-better-go-check-on-baby.

And....he is chewing on a screw. YEP, A SCREW! A BIG FAT CHOKABLE SCREW! It had fallen out of the latch on the toy box and he was just-a chompin away! Talk about giving me a heart attack. Luckily he took it out of his mouth and handed it to me like, "look what I found!" I didn't even have time to reach for it...He was so proud to show me his treasure. Well, so much for the feeling good about myself thing! I have been shaken up all morning! You know, you think that your house is safe and that you have done all that you can to protect the little one. Guess not! Now I'm thinking about super gluing all screws into their place!

I'm usually a super calm, go with the flow, don't freak out about things in the mouth type of momma....But wowzer. Not this time....I don't think that he could have passed this on his own.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Have patience

There was a song that my mom used to sing to us all of the time when we were growing up. When we got a little older, she would only have to sing the first few words. And when we were teenagers, we would just roll our eyes and ignore it. But now, as a momma myself, I find myself singing the once annoying song to my son...further proving to me that my mom was (and is) always right. *sigh*

I sing the song to Carson when he needs to be patient, like when he's squirming on the changing table or squealing in his high chair waiting for food. At this point, I'm sure that it's just more of a distraction technique but hopefully it will grow into something that he learns from down the line....or heck, maybe even sings to his eye rolling teenagers one day.

It goes like this...

Have patience,
Have patience,
Don't be in such a hurry,
When you get impatient,
You only start to worry,
That God is patient too,
And think of all the times when others had to wait on you.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Guest Spotlight: Melanie Bowen, Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance

I would like to welcome Melanie Bowen to La Dolce Vita! She is a part-time blog contributor for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance and blogger of Milady Knows. Her focus is on advocating for natural health and cancer cure initiatives, along with encouraging those with illnesses to use journaling as a path to healing and it is on that topic that she writes today. So, without further ado, here she is!

Taking Lemons and Turning Them Into Lemonade

Sometimes, life’s obstacles can seem unbearable or too strenuous to overcome. For example, if you have been given a serious diagnosis of a life threatening illness like mesothelioma, cancer or multiple sclerosis, you may not have a cheery outlook on your prognosis.  However, there are ways to make your life meaningful and give you something to work toward.

Writing Your Way to Health

Health has many different meanings.  You can be healthy in mind, even if your body is not cooperating. You can be healthy in spirit even if you are facing chemotherapy, radiation treatment or a grim prognosis.  It is all in the way you look at health.  Holistic practitioners and even researchers are finding that addressing all aspects of a person, not just their body, has a huge impact on the overall health of a person and how well they respond to treatment when facing critical and major illness.

Writing is one way to find a path to obtaining a positive healthy mind, body and spirit.  Keeping a personal journal is a practice that many psychotherapists recommend.  Writing can be a safe way to explore your thoughts and feelings as you go through your healing journey.  Nobody else sees it.  Nobody will review it and critique you for whatever feelings you express in your journal.  It is a place you can rant and rave, a place where you can say how angry you are at what is happening, a place where you can complain to your heart’s content about the nasty side effects your medications are having on you.

It is also a place where you can dream.  Your personal journal is a place where you can write about the life you imagine you want to have.  It is a place where you can explore your biggest fantasies and write about the things you still want to accomplish and experience in life.  Your personal journal is a place where you can write down goals for yourself and then have the joyful experience of crossing them off as you actually accomplish them.

Looking Forward by Looking Back

As you go through your life journey, you will occasionally want to look back at all of the things that you have conquered and pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments.  In fact, for many people, looking back at their life challenges and seeing just how strong they have been is a source of inspiration for the future.  They say to themselves, “look at what I did in the past, this is nothing compared to that!”  By keeping a journal, you can document your personal journey and have a reminder of just how much you have accomplished and what you have to look forward to in the future.

A personal journal is a great place to keep track of your own personal journey. It can be a place to turn to for inspiration and to remind yourself of your inner strength and your abilities.  It can be a place where you explore your personal goals, where you talk about your frustrations and where you crow to yourself about your accomplishments.  So pick up your pen today and start writing.  Your future self will be happy you did.

So today, pull out a piece of paper and start writing down things you want to accomplish.  Write about your dreams and your goals.  Write about your fantasy adventures.  Write down your own personal bucket list – and then begin taking steps, large or small, to bring those dreams to life.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Here's out little shamrock on St. Patty's Day! Ross totally dressed him in green all on his own....such a proud moment!

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bathroom love notes

Do this. 
You won't regret it. 
Put a dry erase marker in your bathroom. 
Scribble little love notes on your hubby's side of the mirror.
Don't worry; it wipes off with toilet paper.

Tell him thanks for working so hard, helping out with the baby, taking out the trash, etc. 
And, he'll write back...and it might be super sweet...or it get racy...and it might be fun.
Either way, he'll appreciate the verbal affirmation.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

under construction

i'm trying to come up with a better layout, background, etc.
i'm bored with the old one.
i have no idea how many days it will take to finish the construction.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mommy's lost it

In a matter of about 3 minutes, baby boy's hair went from this...

To this...

What the *bleep* was I thinking? I just got scissor happy... I wanted to trim off the fuzzy ends and maybe-kinda-sorta went overboard. We were going to take him to get another $20 haircut when I got to thinking, "Surely it can't be that hard. Surely I can do it. Surely, surely, surely." And then -BAM. Baby boy to big boy...just like that. Well, at least Ross loves it! (and we saved 20 bucks)

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Monday, March 12, 2012

50 Ways to Inspire Your Husband

I saw this list on another blog (MomLifeToday) and thought it was a good reminder of how to love on my hubby. I am proud to say that I do lots of the listed items but am also very excited by many of the others that I haven't though of! There are some fabulous ideas that I can't wait to try! I put stars by my favorites...can you tell that I like this list A LOT?

1. Initiate great sex.

2. Send him an email. Example: “Praying for you today. Thanks for being so courageous in [insert specific area].”

*3. Give him one night on a regular basis to do something he loves. (I'll add...without resentment)

*4. Consistently mention ways you see him growing to be more like Christ.

*5. Ask him about his “bucket list.” (my addition- constantly work toward accomplishing these goals)

*6. Give him a book, audio CD, or ticket to learn about something he loves doing. (LoVe this one)

7. Ask him about some dreams he has — and pray about them together, evaluating them. Then ask how you can help him go after them.

8. Text him. Example: “REMINDER: I BELIEVE IN U.”

9. Make sure he feels respected by you.

10. Leave sticky notes in his lunch, on his steering wheel, in his briefcase, etc. “So proud of all you’ve been doing with ___.” “You are so great with our kids.” “You are my dream come true.” “You are an incredible lover.”

11. Suggest that he take some time to go pursue a hobby.

12. Leave a message on his voicemail: “Thanks for going to work every day to take care of our family. You are so good at what you do.”

*13. Ask him how you can pray for him at work. Later on in the week, ask about his prayer requests again. (Why have I never thought of this before?)

*14. Be proactive about doing something together that he really enjoys: make a date, get him excited, and share his enthusiasm!

15. Tell him areas he’s gifted in. Don’t stretch the truth; be honest so he can trust you.

16. Pray for him.

17. Initiate great sex.

18. Start and keep a “Dreams” binder with him. Include some travel brochures or whatever gets you excited. In the back, make sure you have a “Dreams turned reality!” file.

*19. Talk with him about setting aside a small part of the budget to pursue the ways God has created him — through education or through sheer enjoyment.

20. Post on his Facebook wall: “I love being your wife! See me tonight regarding this.”

21. Gently communicate with him about what you like in bed, and respond encouragingly to his attempts.

*22. Remember a dream that he had a long time ago. Talk with him about whether it’s still a dream — and still a possibility.

*23. Ask God to open your eyes to the ways He has made your husband and to give you wisdom about how to maximize that workmanship.

24. Have your children write him notes or letters about what they love about their dad.

25. Initiate great sex.

26. Ban yourself from any nagging, the Great Life-Sucker.

*27. Ask, “If I could do one thing I’m not already doing that would really empower you and inspire you, what would it be?” Listen — resist being defensive (the hard part) — and follow through.

28. As you think of them, remind him of specific times and areas he has impacted people’s lives: “Hey, I was thinking the other day about all the time you invested in that Cub Scout troop. Wonder what those boys are doing now. It was so cool to watch them grow with you as their leader.” “Our son has grown so much in encouraging people lately. He gets that from you; you are such a good example for him in that.”

*29. Buy him something small to stoke the fires: a journal for a writer; some carpentry pencils for a woodworker; some grilling tools for the master chef. Add a sweet note: “Just because I love the way you’re made.”

*30. Do something fun and unexpected together: paintball; laser tag; on a spring day, have a picnic, blow bubbles, and bring the books you’re reading; swing; go to a drive-in movie, bring popcorn, and instigate a make-out session. (we NEED to find a day and sitter for a round of golf)

31. Think about a way you’ve been hurting him, annoying him, or not “seeing” him. Apologize, and work hard at showing true change.

32. Initiate great sex.

*33. Go to a home improvement store to plan a small, doable project that energizes both of you, even if it’s just painting a room or fixing up some landscaping. (Hint: Make sure it’s something by which he won’t feel burdened.)

34. Do something from his to-do list for him — something that he’d rather have you do anyway.

35. Find a mutually enjoyable activity you like doing together on a regular basis — even if it’s playing the Wii together.

36. Create a cheerful atmosphere when he comes home.

*37. Design a date night that will help him to de-stress and have fun.

38. Discover his love language and become even more fluent in it.

39. Pray about and pursue at least one dream of your own, talking with him about it.

40. What’s hard about his life right now? Pray for his endurance, and encourage him specifically. Galatians 6:9 is a great start for both.

41. Organize or clean something in your home that you know he finds messy.

42. Send a snail-mail love note to him at the office, affirming him in his work.

*43. If there’s something on his “Honey Do” list at home that he finds overwhelming or has a hard time finding time to do, talk with him (respectfully and gently) about the possibility of having it hired out. Make sure he knows it’s not because you find him incompetent, but that you want to free him from a burden.

44. Initiate great sex.

45. Be a student of your husband. Does he feel inspired if he’s got all his ducks in a row? If he’s got a creative space to think? If he feels verbally affirmed?

46. If he’s into dressing nice, go with him to shop for clothes in which he feels confident.

47. Let him overhear you speaking well of him on the phone, among friends, or in public places.

48. In his area of weakness, pray about how to subtly and gently step in and help him.

49. Tell him what a great dad he is. Be specific.

50. If and when he messes up, respond with the kind of grace, compassion, and mercy that God gives us. Respond in a way that communicates, You’re safe with me — and I’m not going to rehash your failures. This is a secure place for you to grow … and I love the journey with you.

Another link to the source: MomLifeToday

16 months

As of 16 months...

C knows...

He says- ball, dog, cat, that, no, wow, uh oh, more, up, night-night, bye-bye, imitates lots of words we say

Animal sounds- cow, monkey, dog, sheep, car noise

Understands commands-
bring me the...monkey, ball, book, shoe, dolphin, brush, bear, dog, cup, toy, bus
wipe your mouth/face
Go to, high chair, your room, playroom
Sit down
Give me your foot
wash your hair
Brush your hair
Brush your teeth
Close the door
Turn the page
Can I have a hug/kiss

Can identify- cat, plane, train, nose, ear, mouth, eye, belly button, baby, Bubba, feet

Helps you get him dressed. Lifts arms and legs etc.

Has mastery of using a fork and is working on using a spoon.

Recognizes all phone calls as dada.

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